The gas has been off since the end of May, and the electric has been off for over a week, the water is scheduled to be shut off because the landlord slumlord hasn’t paid them even though utilities are included in the rent. I’ve been taking cold showers, using an extension cord from the neighbor, and I currently have a refrigerator full of pans with water in them and a full bathtub for flushing the toilet in preparation for losing the water. Add to that a car that even though it’s fixed has an expired inspection so still can’t be driven, an empty bank account, and no job and I’m down to eating nothing but white rice and frozen vegetables as I wait for the bank to foreclose on the building and evict the tenants.

So where do I go from here? No transportation makes finding a job as good as impossible. Food won’t last long for me or the cats. Still waiting to hear from the state about my unemployment so no help from the government that gladly took tax money out of my paychecks to the tune of 27% of my income every week while I was working. Even online pleas for help have gotten me nowhere.

I need money to fix the problems in my life.
I have no money because I don’t have a job.
I need money for transportation to get a job.
I need a job to get money.
I need money to get a job.
I need a job to get money.
I need money to get a job.
Around and around that goes.

So where do I go? What do I do? How do I get the money I need to get transportation so I can get a job and earn money?