Tag Archive: Heartbreak


I was born with broken and missing pieces. My brain doesn’t process information right.

When listening to people talk I hear the words but don’t understand what they are saying because there’s more to it than just the words. My brain doesn’t see the subtle clues that give the extra context to understand what they mean. Their facial expressions, vocal inflection, unusual phrasings, and other nonverbal cues don’t exist for me. I have only the words they say and the meanings the dictionary gives them. Everytime I hear someone talking I am reminded that I’m broken.

I can’t have normal conversations. I have no real interests. My brain is filled with information I’ve obtained by reading about everything I can just to know stuff in an attempt to be able to talk to people. Whenever someone tries to talk to me I have facts and figures, statistics, other peoples opinions, etc stored in my brain to recite like a parrot. I have planned responses to “normal” conversational questions like a computer. I go through the motions in an attempt to look normal. I can have a subject specific discuaaion but I can’t even manage to follow a “normal” conversation because it changes topic too much for me to process. Normal conversations sound like people are saying whatever random thing pops into their head from one second to the next and make no sense to me. When someone tries to talk to me I am reminded that I’m broken

When I’m around people I know I’m uncomfortable, with people I don’t know it’s even worse. I don’t know what’s expected of me, what I’m supposed to say or do. I don’t know how to act or what to say. I’m completely lost in social situations. If there’s more than one person I’m lost and even when it’s only one person unless they’re someone I’m completely comfortable with I’m still lost. Being around people reminds me that I’m broken.

I can’t touch anyone. Physical contact makes my skin crawl. Something as simple as a handshake or even a fist bump leaves me wanting to peel my skin off. That most simple of human interactions, touch, is denied to me. I can’t give a a relative or friend a hug, I can’t curl up on the couch with someone and watch a movie, I can’t have a physical relationship with anyone. I haven’t been given any choice but to be alone. The fantasy of it being any different reminds me that I’m broken.

I’m not a real person. I’m a shell that pretends to be real. Even Pinocchio was more real than me but unlike him there is no Blue Fairy for me. I’ll spend my life avoiding people, and being little more than a puppet going through the motions of being a person whenever I can’t.

I’m was born broken and there is no fixing me.

It’s almost four years since I Optimus left us. There’s no way I can type what I’m feeling. It’s not that the words aren’t there, they are, I’d just never get them out. It still hurts to think that someone who deserved to live a long life wasn’t given the chance.

Those of you who know how much of a part of the family a “pet” is will understand. Those of you who’ve been following me know how isolated I am from the world and will understand my love for my fur-babies.

I miss Him. If you want to know what it truly means to love unconditionally, Opty can teach you, He taught me. Then He was gone.

Optimus Prime May 23, 2007 to Feb. 18, 2009
88 1/2 Hours
Oh, you’re a Transformer now? You think you’re Optimus Prime or something?”
I used to love the snow
Birdie Buddies
Dreams within Dreams
Six Kookies
It’s their birthday
Six Months
Letter to Opty – from an older post, deserves its own.
Almost a year
Optimus Prime

Just Thinking

From February 6, 2012

I’ve been thinking (again), no surprise there.  And of course with the upcoming greeting card holiday my thoughts keep wandering to the same thing.  13 yrs alone.  It’s by choice so I’m not complaining, but I can’t help but think about it.

So why have I been alone?  I have my reasons and I’m not sharing them here so don’t ask.

Do I want to continue to be alone?  I’m not opposed to changing that, but I’m also not going to try to change it.  I’m content to just leave that up to the Universe to decide, so if the Universe brings someone into my life I won’t fight it, I’m just not going to try to make it happen.

Does being alone bother me?  During thunderstorms, snowstorms, watching sunsets, or walking in the woods I start wishing I had someone to share those things with.  Some nights the bed feels empty and I start longing to have someone just to curl up with.  So yes, at times it does bother me, but its intermittent and I normally don’t even think about it.

Will I be alone for the rest of my life?  Depends what the Universe plans for me.

So there it is, another pointless rambling from Marshall.

Almost a year


I miss you Baby Boy. In a few days it’ll be a year since You were taken from us and crossed the rainbow bridge and it still hurts to not have You here. I can smile and laugh at all the memories I have of You, I always could, but I still feel the pain of losing You too. I still automatically look for You when I vacuum expecting to see You pounce the vacuum cleaner and then wait for Your super sucker power rubbies, still wait for nighty time face rubbies when I crawl into bed and wakey uppy time face rubbies and brekky bellies in the morning, I still expect You to protect me from the tooter monster when it wiggles its ten piggy heads under the blankies, and I still shed a few tears everytime I remember that I only have memories of You because You’re gone. I know it’s supposed to get easier, and in some ways it has, but in others it’s gotten harder.

I still dream about you too, and everytime I wake up thinking it’s real and then cry again because it’s not. I wish those dreams would last longer, Your Mommy and Sissies get to play with You in them. They chase you around and around, You pounce their tails, all of You lay in a big kitteny pile of nappytime happiness. Those dreams feel so good because we’re all together.

We got snow, lots of it. I remember intruducing You and the rest of My Babies to snow. You were the only one that didn’t freak out and try to run back inside or up my leg. You stood there looking at it, lifting your paw and looking at the cold white stuff stuck to it, sniffing it, and then licking it before deciding it must be a toy. I can still see You trying to catch the falling flakes, jumping up and swatting at them, bouncing around in less than an inch it on the ground and trying to look like You meant to slide and fall on Your butt. We got lots more snow than that now. Your Mommy and Sissies still don’t like it, but I know You’d love it. You’d have to stand up on Your back legs to poke Your head out of it and leap way up high to move around. That’s one thing that’s harder, snow. I’m glad I was alone when it started, explaining to the person we’ve been staying with why I called You and why I was crying would have been impossible. Without even thinking I called You to you to ask if you were watching the snow fall. For just an instant I was back Home and You were there.

Your Mommy, Sissies, and I aren’t in the Home you knew anymore. I cried for a while when we had to leave there because it was Your Home and I was afraid the memories of You there would fade. Thankfully they didnt, The background in them has but not the important part, You. I wish we were still living there though, all of us in our happy Home together. The happiest, most fullfilling, and most fullfilled part of my life was in that apartment with My Babies. Everything in my life before that just seems meaningless, like life didn’t begin till Your Big Sissies came into my life and was only complete after Your Mommy brought You and Your Litter Sissies to me. It feels like I was only going through the motions before that, just suviving alone in an empty existence until I was blessed with my Baby Kitties. I don’t know if there is a meaning or purpose to life, but it seems that if there is mine was to love and be loved by You and Your Mommy and Sissies and to continue to love them and be loved by them.

We’re going to be leaving this place soon too. Your Mommy and Sissies will still be together, but I need You to watch over them for me, especially at night. I won’t be able to stay where they are so I’ll be sleeping somewhere else. They’re going to be confused and upset at being in another new place as it is and not having anything that smells right or being able to sleep with Daddy will have them more upset and confused so You need to watch over them just like You always did. They’re going to need You till I can get us another place where we can be together again and until then Your Mommy and Sissies will need you to protecys them and make them feel all better. I know You’ll be doing that, that You’re still doing that.

I can see You up there laying at the peak of the rainbow bridge, paws hanging over the edge, head and ears up, tail curled around Your body looking down and watching over us. My Baby Boy looking all regal like the sphynx watching over His domain and making sure His family is safe. I miss You Buddy, and I love You.


My chest problems haven’t gone away, its getting worse. But that’s not why I’m writing.

Lynx has been laying up on the dresser when I go to bed lately. She lays there, front paws curled under, head and ears up, eyes slitted and wathcing the room.
When I lay down in the bed Calicat lays on my stomach with her head on my chest or by my side pressed against me purring away.
At the desk Paradox is in my lap, laying there purring or sitting pressed against my chest.
Ninjai tries to follow me into the bathroom everytime I go in like she doesn’t want me out of her sight.
Lilly lays by my feet under the desk and in the bed keeping the other cats from attacking them and using them for pillows.

Those used to be Optimus’ jobs. He’d watch over us at night when we went to bed before joining us. He stayed by my side in bed and in my lap at the desk purring away trying to heal my chest. He followed me to the bathroom to keep an eye on me and make sure I was ok. He layed by my feet and kept the others from attacking them when I was healthy. Those were His jobs. He decided to watch over us at night so I could sleep and make sure my toes weren’t stalked, and take care of me when my lung collapsed.

I miss Him. I miss Him so much. It’s over 5 months and I still think about Him everyday, I still call for Him. I still accidentally call my other Babies by His name when they do something that reminds me of Him. I still expect Him to be there giving me morning rubbies and ready for brekky bellies when I wake up. I go to bed, tell my Babies its beddy times and then pause expecting night night rubbies from Him. I turn on the faucet to get water for coffee and still expect HIm to try playing with the water.

Six Kookies

Six cookies, that’s whats left in the jar. They’re kitty cookies, Whisker Lickin’s. My Babies love them, When I grab the jar and they hear the cookies rattling around inside they come running, they know that sound. Everytime I give them some they get three each. They all push and shove to get their cookies, trying to be the first and then trying to sneak an extra however they can. All excpet for Optimus, He always waited till the others had their cookies to walk past them and get His. He knew he wouldn’t be skipped, and He also knew that by waiting He’d get special scratches and pets while He nommed His cookies.

I’ve given the Babies cookies twice since I lost Him. Each time I poured them into my hand, counted to make sure I had enough for all of them, gave them their cookies, then called Opty to give Him the last three in my hand. I’d counted out 18 cookies, enough for all six of my Babies, but I only have five babies now. I never even thought about it, I just got the cookies out and started giving them to my Babies and when I’d given out all but three I called Opty. When I realized what I did the tears started rolling.

They started rolling today too. I grabbed the jar to give them some cookies and there were only six left in it. They’re Opty’s cookies, more precisely they’re the six cookies I had left between the two times I’ve given Babies cookies since I lost Him. I know He wouldn’t mind if I gave them to His Sissies and Mommy, but 6 cookies, 5 cats, there’s no way to give them out evenly and unless there’s some special circumstance, like when Opty got neutered or when Ninjai had a bladder infection, I give them out evenly.

Even if there was only 5, they’re my Baby Boy’s cookies, so He has them. I taped the lid on the jar and put it in His box. I know it’s not the same as giving them to Him, but they’re His so He should have them and that’s the only way to give them to Him. I wish He was still here, I miss Him so much and His Sissies and Mom still look for Him when they’re playing so I know they miss Him too. We all miss Him.

Birdie Buddies

Took the plastic off one of the windows today and raised the blinds. The cats immediately raced over to look out the window. Theres a section of the blinds thats torn apart on one side, about 6 inches square, that they could look out of with the blinds down, but with them up they all raced over. Optimus loves watching the birds outside, Lynx too. The two of them would sit on the windowsill both looking out the broken section or at the window in the kitchen and just watch the birds play. They especially love after it rains, there’s a small ledge outside the window that water pools in, the birds use it as a birdbath and they just love laying there watching them.

So with the plastic down, the blinds up, and all my Babies were looking out the window. Lynx was on the far left just far enough from the end to allow another cat at the window. Lynx would always lay on the windowsill with her body stretched out to the right with Opty on her left, those were their spots. Lynx didn’t let the other cats jump in Opty’s spot, she never did, she always saved His spot for Him just like He’d save her spot for her. They’re Birdie Buddies and they save each others birdy watching spots. So when I saw her saving His spot, I did what any good Daddy would do, I called him.

“Optyboo come see the birdies with your Birdie Buddy.”

As soon as I said it it hit me yet again that He’s gone and the tears just started running. I just sat down there talking to the rest of my Babies, petting them, and crying. Everyday its something new, another of the infinite number of things that were uniquely Optimus, yet another reminder that He’s gone. People keep telling me it’ll get easier, but everyday it gets harder. Everyday that would gets torn open a little more and I don’t know what to do other than just sit there and cry.

I Used to have Faith

Yesterday I got up before the alarm went off, it was still dark in the apartment and I decided to just stay in bed till the alarm went off. I’ve got the heat turned down so its usually a little chilly in the morning and the bed was nice and warm so I figured id just stay in it till I had to get up. I shifted around a bit to get myself more comfortable and in the process got my usual morning greeting, Opty rubbing His face against mine to start my day with a bit of Baby Boy lovings. I sat up and I asked if he wanted some brekky bellies as I scooped Him up to hold like a baby . Brekky bellies are what I call His morning belly rubs. What I scooped up was a pillow, it had pressed against my face as I got more comfortable and felt so much like Optimus that at first I thought it was Him. I lost it. I just sat there holding the pillow and crying.

Its almost a month since I lost Him and I still can’t deal with it. I wake up everyday expecting Him to be there. I go to make coffee and expect Him to try to play with the water coming out of the faucet. I get up to get another cup of coffee and look under the desk for Him so I don’t kick Him. I sit down after getting showered and call Him to “come fix Daddy’s smell.” There’s so many little things that remind me of Him, and even though they’re all good memories they hurt so much. Everyday something new reminds me of Him, and every new thing tears me up again.

Last night I was laying in bed reading and something in the book made me think of Him, I couldn’t stop crying for over two hours. The rest of my Babies got up and sat with me, they tried to cheer me up, they were laying in my lap, grooming me, purring, and pressing themselves up against me but I just couldn’t stop crying. If it wasn’t for them I would’ve completely lost it by now, but they can only do so much and normally their attempts to help me just remind me more of Opty. I miss Him so much, I’d give almost anything to have Him back. I wish I could just wake up and find that this was all just a horrible nightmare, I keep praying for that.

He deserves to have a long, healthy, happy life. He’s the most loving and lovable cat I’ve ever met. He wanted to be everyones friend, and everyone that met Him fell in love with Him, even people that don’t like cats couldn’t help themselves. If any of his sisters or His mother, or I wasn’t feeling well He was right there taking care of them. When everyone was feeling good He wanted to explore and play. His sisters and mom deserve to have Him here to play with them and take care of them when they’re sick. He deserves to get His brekkie bellies everyday.

It doesn’t make any sense. The bastard that beat a litter of baby kittens that barely had their eyes open to death and threw them out a fourth floor window of the building half a block from me is walking the streets. The mother and one other kittens got away. He’s free, making money off the building he tossed those helpless babies out of. Optimus never hurt anyone, would never have thought of hurting anyone unless they were hurting one of His family, He wanted nothing more than to explore the world, play, and make everyone He met happy, but He wasn’t allowed to do that.

I keep praying that this is just a nightmare I can wake up from. I keep begging to have Him back with us. I’m willing to suffer myself if it will bring him back, I’ll gladly spend everyday of the rest of my life living with the pain I felt when my lung tore open if that’s what it takes. He deserves to be here. His feline family deserves to have Him here. I’d like to believe that I deserve to have Him here. But He’s not. He should be, but He’s not.

I used to believe that there was something out there watching over all of us, looking out for us, wanting us to be happy and to know they love us. Now, how can I believe in anything? What kind of God or Gods allows someone that murders helpless kittens to walk free and live a good life while taking someone who loves everyone, tries to make them happy, and takes care of them when they don’t feel good from those who love and need Him? What kind of benevolent being denies someone as loving as that the long life they deserve?

I used to have faith. On Feb 18, 2009 when My Baby Boy died, so did my faith. Resurrecting that requires resurrecting Him.

Half a Glass of Water

I woke up today and as usual started my coffee. Making coffee hurts, I try to shoo Optimus away when I turn on the faucet because He always wanted to play in the water.

While waiting for it to finish brewing I sat at the desk figuring I’d check my email. My A&W mug was sitting there from last night and I didn’t give it any thought when I picked it up and took a swallow of the water in it. I also didn’t give it any thought when I said “Opty’s such a good boy. He didn’t spill Daddy’s water last night.” After I said it I realized what I’d just said and the tears just started rolling.

I could never leave anything in a glass or mug on my desk without it getting spilled. Optimus would see it, bump the glass or mug, see the liquid sloshing around, and try to play with it. He wasn’t trying to be bad, He just wanted to play with the water or tea or whatever was in the glass. He didn’t mean to spill it, and I never scolded Him badly for it. I’d just tell Him “Thats not a toy,” “Don’t spill Daddy’s water,” “Thats Daddy’s, thats not for you to play with,” etc. I’d completely forgotten that He always tried to play with any glass that had liquid in it. Its one of a million little things that I know are going to tear me apart for a long time to come.

I don’t understand why this happened. He had so much life in Him, so much yet to explore. There’s an entire world out there for Him to discover yet. An entire lifetime of Love that He deserves to be given.

“Oh, you’re a Transformer now?  You think you’re Optimus Prime or something?”

Thats what I said when He was 10 1/2 weeks old.  Until then, everyone including me thought He was a girl, but at 10 1/2 weeks He rolled over, kicked His legs apart, and there He was in all His boyish glory.  And so He was named.

Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, hero of the Cybertronian wars, the greatest Autobot that ever was, and my favorite Transformer ever since I was a kid.  Yeah there were other cool Transformers.  Shockwave and Blaster who transformed into boom boxes and had mini casette Transformers inside them.  The constructicons who joined to form Devastator, they were the first Transformers who could do that, but not the last.  Omega Supreme, the Titan who became an interstellar rocket, had lived since before the wars began, and had a sadness to him that tugged at the heartstrings of even a young child.  Then there were the dinobots, the strongest of the Transformers, but also always the youngest in mannerisms.

But none of them could compare to Optimus Prime.  How could they?  He was the epitome of everything good in life.  He stood for the forces of all that was good and right in the face of even the greatest evil.  He never lost hope, even in the face of a seemingly unbeatable foe.  He deplored violence, always seeing himself not as a warrior but as a leader who did what he had to to defend the innocent and defenseless, taking life only when he had no other option.  He always sought peace in the midst of any conflict.  He would do everything in his power to prevent others from being harmed, even if it meant retreating and allowing the Decepticons to win a battle.  He always chose the lives of others over victory in battle.  He would risk his own life to save any of his Autobots, any human, and even at times to save Decepticons.  He put others before himself, right up to the end.  In his final battle with Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, he had the chance to destroy his enemy once and for all and end the war and killing forever.  All he had to do was sacrifice one of his own who Megatron was holding as a shield.  Instead he sacrificed his own life to save Hot Rod, it was his way.

Others before himself.  All life was important to him.  It was his way, it was who he was.  He was Optimus Prime.

Why am I talking about a childrens cartoon?  I’m watching the original Transformers movie right now.  Normally I watch it to remember my childhood.  I always have tears just behind my eyes when Megatron kills Optimus Prime, just like I did as a child.  A few tears always roll down my cheeks when the light goes out of his eyes after passing the Matrix to Ultra Magnus.  For 90 minutes I feel just like I did as a kid.  I’m a child again, living in a simpler time and a simpler world.  Saturday morning cartoons are the same.    But today that’s not why I’m watching the movie, and its not why I was watching cartoons Saturday morning like I usually do.

I’m watching the movie for my Baby Boy.  I was up on Saturday morning watching cartoons for Him as well.  He loved cartoons.  He’d hop up in front of the TV and sit with His nose inches from the screen watching the characters as they moved across it.  Periodically He’d put his paw up on the screen and try to touch them.  The other cats didn’t bother with the TV unless there were birds on, they’d just lay on the bed with me while I watched them, but Optimus just loved His cartoons.  I’d often have cartoons on that had no interest for me, things that have been on since I was a kid but which I’d never watched, new ones that I probably wouldn’t have.  But Optimus loved them.  Children may keep their eyes on George, but my Opty only had eyes for The Man with the Yellow Hat.  The brightly colored dragons of Dragon Tales mesmerized him.  He’d chase the silly bird thing of Cyber Chase back and forth across the screen, reaching out to grab it.  Anytime I went out, I checked the TV listings to find a channel that had cartoons on for as much of the time I’d be gone as possible and put it on for Him.  When I was working, If I had to do overtime on Saturdays, I left the TV on so He could watch the cartoons when they came on.  He enjoyed them so much, how could I not let Him watch them?  I know He missed me, He was always the first to greet me when I came home, and I know that having the cartoons helped Him not miss me so much while I was out.

He was so curious, and so intelligent.  When I’d watch the Transformers movie, He knew who He was named after, of course, that might be because I always pointed Prime out to Him and told Him “this is who You’re named after”.  He’d be sitting there watching it, and when the light left Prime’s eyes, he’d lay down.  I thought it was just coincedence the first time, but he did it every time.  Maybe He sensed my sadness, its more than possible, but there’s a part of me that can’t believe He was simply picking up on my nostalgic feelings.  A part of me knows that He knew what had happened, and that laying down was His way of honoring His namesake.

He was Optimus Prime, named for the greatest Autobot that ever was, and He shared so many of his traits.

His Sissies and Mom would pick on Him, they’d beat Him up and He let them.  He was bigger than all of them, He could have swatted them down easily, but other than playful wrestling, He never did.  He wouldn’t pick on them, His eyes showed that He knew it was wrong to hit someone smaller than Him even if they were hitting him.  He’d just run off and leave them be.  He was there for all of us when we were sick.  It didn’t matter what it was, if one of us wasn’t feeling good He was there with us instead of playing or exploring.  He gave of Himself completely with no reservations at all.  His name fit Him perfectly.  The great Autobot leader would have been proud to know that Optimus Prime lived up to His name.

But the Autobots had something we don’t.  They had Ultra Magnus to be there for them until Hot Rod rose up and became Rodimus Prime.  We have no Ultra Magnus.  We have no Hot Rod.  We still need our Optimus Prime.  But we have only memories of Him.

In a way, I envy the rest of my Babies.  In time, His scent will fade until there’s nothing left of him except in the items I’ve saved in bags.  When His scent is gone, His Sissies and Mom will start to forget Him, at least consciously.  In time, they’ll have only vague recollections that there was another cat here, if that.  They’ll still go through the motions of games they played because its habit, but with little or no understanding of why they do it.  They may leave a spot open at their dinner plates, but with no idea why other than that they always have.  He’ll become nothing more than a series of habits that have no meaning to them.  They’ll spend the rest of their lives in blisfull ignorance of what they lost, they’ll no longer feel that loss.  They’ll be free of their grief, and they deserve that.  They deserve to not have to feel the stabs of pain the little things will cause.

But I also feel sorry for them.  Once His scent fades and they forget him they’ll no longer have the memories of the joy He brought.  They won’t remember being curled up in a warm mass as they lay blindly suckling as infants.  They won’t remember the feel of His warm body pressed against theirs as they lay together while their mother napped separately for a bit.  They’ll have no memory of teasing Him with their tails before pouncing him and rolling around on the floor.  They won’t remember Him grooming them when they didn’t feel good.  Warm naps together under the blankets will be forgotten, as will running around the apartment chasing each other back and forth.  They’ll be denied the joys and happiness that those memories bring, but they deserve to have that.  They deserve to forever remember the love they shared with Him.